
  • Rule
  • Journal


Guidelines for submission

1. Eligibility for Submission

Submission is limited to regular members of this society who have paid the designated membership fee. If there are multiple authors, at least one of them must hold regular membership. Manuscripts should be written in Korean or English and should not have been published in other journals or publications. However, papers presented at society events will not be excluded from review if they have not been published in other academic journals.

2. Submission Procedure

  • 1. Prospective authors must submit their manuscripts online through the journal's website.
  • 2. When submitting, applicants should indicate whether it is a regular paper or a planned paper (a paper solicited by the society).
  • 3. After online submission, authors can orally request an "expedited review" from the secretariat. The submission deadline for expedited review papers is determined based on the desired publication issue, as indicated in the table below. However, for expedited review papers, only the decisions of "acceptance," "acceptance after minor revisions," and "rejection" will be made, and the decision of "reconsideration in the next issue after revisions" will not be given.
March Edition June Edition September Edition December Edition
Submission Deadline February 15th May 15th August 15th November 15th
Publication date March 31th June 30th September 30th December 31th

3. Thesis, Plagiarism

  • 1. The manuscript based on a thesis should disclose this fact in a footnote on the first page of the manuscript.
  • 2. If the submitted manuscript has already been published in another form, the applicant must submit a separate statement to the editorial board along with the manuscript, explaining the bibliographic details of the previously published paper and clarifying that the submitted manuscript is substantially different from the prior publication.

Guidelines for Manuscript

Authors should keep the following points in mind while preparing the manuscript:

  • 1. All papers should be written using a Korean word processor or MS Word.
  • 2. The total length of the manuscript should not exceed 180 pages of A4 paper (excluding tables and figures). For English papers, the total length should not exceed 9,000 words (excluding tables and figures).
  • 3.The first page of the published paper should include the title, authors' names, affiliations, positions, and contact information (postal address or email). The submission date and completion date of the review should also be included. In the case of multiple authors, the first author (or corresponding author) should be indicated with a superscript after the name. For Korean papers, the English title and English names should be provided in parentheses below the Korean title. For English papers, only the English title and names should be provided.
  • 4.Sections should be organized as chapters, sections, subsections, and sub-subsections. Chapters should be numbered as 'Ⅰ., Ⅱ., Ⅲ.,...' and sections as '1., 2., 3.,...' with titles. Subsections should be numbered as '1), 2), 3.),...' and also include titles. In English papers, chapter titles (e.g., 'Ⅰ., Ⅱ., Ⅲ.,...') should be written in all capital letters, while section and subsection titles should only have the first letter capitalized. Specific sections like ABSTRACT, REFERENCES, APPENDIX, etc., should be written in all capital letters.
  • 5.In the case of equations, variables should be written in italics, and equation numbering should be done without considering chapter or section divisions, aligning them to the right within parentheses and using a consecutive numbering scheme (except for symbols like log, ln, max, which should be written in roman font). To avoid confusion, expressions like a/b+c should be clearly expressed as (a/b)+c or a/(b+c).
  • 6.In-text citations and references to cited literature should be indicated within parentheses in the text, including the author's name, publication year, and page number(s). The same format should be used when citing or referencing the same literature repeatedly. For English papers, it is customary to use the original English citations without translating them into Korean.
    • 1)Littlechild (1979), Shapiro & Varian (1999, 25-30)
    • 2)....... (Shapiro & Varian, 1999, 25-30)
    • 3)홍길동 (2000, 1-2)의 분석결과에 의하면...
    • 4)........ (홍길동, 2000, 1-2). ........ (홍길동, 2000).
  • 7.When inserting tables and figures into the main text, the following principles should be followed.
    • 1)Assign a separate consecutive number enclosed in < > and provide a title. Table titles should be positioned above the respective table, while figure titles should be positioned above the respective figure.
      Ex) <표 1> 국내 인터넷서비스 보급현황, <그림 1> 유럽연합 수평적 규제체계 채택 과정
    • 2)When referring to related tables and figures in the main text, it is also recommended to enclose the numbers in < >.
      Ex) <표 1>에서 볼 수 있듯이 ...
    • 3)The sources for tables and figures are cited at the bottom as follows: Ex) 출처: 이상우 (2009, p. 103)
  • 8.When citing two or more authors in the main text, list them in alphabetical order. In the case of the same authors with different publication years, only the years are listed.
    Ex) 이몽룡, 1999; 홍길동, 1990
    Pan & Kosicki, 1993; Schefele, 1999
    Gogel, 1984, 1990; James, 1996a, 1996b
  • 9.When there are three or more authors, all authors' names are listed followed by ‘et al’.
  • 10.The list of references should be arranged as follows: Korean references (in alphabetical order by authors' names or publishing institutions), English references (in alphabetical order), and other references. Korean references should be sorted in alphabetical order, while English references should be sorted in alphabetical order.
    • 1)Korean Book
      Author's name, year, book title (enclosed in ' '), edition (if 2nd edition or higher), publisher's name. Enclose the book title in 『 』 and enclose the year in parentheses.
      Ex : 송경일·안재억 (2006).『SPSS for Windows를 위한 생존분석』, 2판, SPSS아카데미.
    • 2)Korean Journal Article
      Author's name, year, article title, journal title (enclosed in ' '), volume, issue, page numbers. Enclose the journal title in 『 』 and enclose the year in parentheses.
      Ex : 안형택·이명호 (2006). 비면허 무선기술의 발전에 따른 전파정책의 변화방향.『정보통신정책연구』, 13(1), 171-197.
    • 3)English Book
      Author's name (surname, initials for representative author, initials for co-authors, surname), year, book title (in italics), publisher, location.
      Ex : Taylor, L. D. (1994). Telecommunications demand in theory and practice. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London.
    • 4)English Journal Article
      Author's name (same format as English book), year, article title, journal title (in italics), volume (issue) (in italics), page numbers. Enclose the year in parentheses.
      Ex : Marshall, C., Prusak, I., & Shpiberg, D. (1996). Financial risk and the need of superior knowledge management. California Management Review, 38(3), 77-101.
    • 5)English Book Chapter
      Author's name, year, chapter title, editor's name, book title (in italics), page numbers, publisher, location.
      Ex : Berger, C. R. (1987). Communicating under uncertainty. In M. E. Roloff & G. R. Miller (Eds.), Interpersonal processes: New directions in communication research (pp. 39~62). Newbury Park, CA : Sage.
    • 6)Korean Book Chapter
      Author's name, year, chapter title, editor's name, book title (enclosed in * ' '), page numbers, location, publisher (* Indicate location: publisher).
      Ex : 이인재. (1998). 사회복지정책의 평가와 과제. 한국사회과학연구 소 사회복지연구실 편.『한국 사회복지의 현황과 쟁점』(pp. 14~45). 서울: 인간과 복지.
    • 7)URL Address
      Author's name, year, title, date of access, URL address.
      Ex : Kollock, P., & Smith, M. (1994). Managing the virtual commons: Cooperation and conflict in computer communities. Retrieved May 15, 2006,
    • 8)Newspaper or Magazine Article
      Ex : 안병영 (1990. 6. 28). 관료부패는 고질병인가. 『한국일보」, 5. 언론개혁을 말한다. (2001. 9. 1). 『한국매일신문』, 1. (* 저자를 알 수 없을 때는 기사명, 날짜. 신문, 쪽수 순으로 표기)
      Gardner, H. (1981, September). Do babies sing a universal song·Psychology Today, 70-76. (Magazine)
      Study finds free care used more. (1982, April 15). APA Monitor, 14. (Newspaper).
    • 9)Research Report
      Ex : 홍길동 (1999). 『한국의 언론인』(조사분석 99-03). 서울 : 한국언론재단. National Institute of Mental Health. (1982). Television and behavior: Ten years of scientific progress and implications for the eighties (DHHS Publication No. ADM 82-1195). Washington, DC : U. S. Government Printing Office.
    • 10)Thesis
      Ex : 홍길동 (1994). 『한국 방송정책 연구의 동향』, 한국대학교 대학원 박사학위 논문. Ryerson, J. F. (1983). Effective management trainging : Two models. Unpublished master's thesis, Clarke College of Technology, Potsdam, NY.
    • 11)Audiovisual Material
      Ex : Harrison, J. (Producer), & Schmiechen, R. (Director). (1992). Changing our minds : The story of Evelyn Hooker [Film]. (New York : Changing Our Minds). (영화일 때). Crystal, L. (Executive Producer). (1993, October 11). The MacNeil/ Leher news hour. New York and Washington, DC : Public Broadcasting Service.
    • 12)Multiple works by the same author
      Arrange the references in chronological order, starting with the oldest publication. If there are multiple works from the same year, distinguish them by adding a, b, c, etc., immediately after the year. Ex) (1999a), (1999b)
  • 11.In the beginning of the paper, include both a Korean abstract and an English abstract. The Korean abstract should be approximately 500-600 characters in length, and provide 3-5 keywords in Korean. The English abstract (ABSTRACT) should be at least 300 words long, and include 3-5 keywords in English.
  • 12.Footnotes should be numbered sequentially and placed either at the bottom of each page or gathered at the end of the manuscript before the references page.


  • 1.1994년 12월 1일 제정
  • 2.2000년 6월 1일 개정
  • 3.2002년 6월 12일 개정
  • 4.2006년 6월 5일 개정
  • 5.2007년 2월 7일 개정
  • 6.2009년 2월 27일 개정
  • 7.2009년 6월 16일 개정
  • 8.2010년 6월 18일 개정
  • 9.2014년 9월 15일 개정